Marketing Strategy and Coaching for Small Businesses

Connecting your sales and marketing for your business growth

Discover how to stand out, be remembered and chosen by your ideal customers over and over again

Rachel Klaver your marketing strategy and coaching expert
marketing strategy and coaching with Rachel klaver

Marketing SHOULD bring a stream of business to your door

If your marketing is not growing your business, the marketing needs to change.

if you’re getting the wrong leads or sales, the sale and marketing process needs to change.

You need new ways to be noticed, remembered and chosen. 

It’s time to be proactive

To grow your business the way you want it to grow. 

After working with over a thousand small business owners in sales and marketing strategy and coaching, across all sizes, sectors and stages, I’m confident I can help you create a sales and marketing strategy and action plan that your business needs to grow. 

marketing strategy and coaching with Rachel klaver
Identify Marketing services flowers one
I'm not just a marketer. I'm a small business owners like you.

I know the juggle of trying to fit marketing in.

I’ve felt the overwhelm, the stress, and the FOMO 

I know how important it is to have a working plan that doesn’t take all your hours, and a massive budget to implement

What I’ve done for ourselves and our clients I’m ready to do for you too.  Rachel

PS: I only work one-on-one with a few people at a time. And I’m careful to check we’re the right fit.  If you are “new to me” do check out my podcast Confident Content before getting in touch.

I’m here to to help your marketing speak to your customers at each stage of the customer journey

Recognise any of these "need sales and marketing help" signs?

Here's how we'll work together on your marketing strategically

Check the Fit

We'll work out how to maximise our time together, find your key gaps, and check we're the best people for you.

We Work Together

We work on all of your sales and marketing, triaging as we go to prioritise actions to get the best results

You Learn Supported

Each step of the way I'm with you, helping you with templates, feedback and accountability.

Let's Fix Your Marketing

Download and work through this FREE comprehensive workbook

What you can expect when working with me

How much does marketing strategy and/or coaching cost?

Excellent question. Would it annoy you to know the answer is going to be... "it depends?" There are two core options for small business owners One is a three month intensive programme, where we squish in a bunch of learning within a short period of time. This is $6795+gst. Then there's my six month programme, which also includes access into my group coaching. This is $9785+ gst for six months. Both have options to extend month by month if desired. My one to one monthly strategic consulting starts at $2,500+gst a month

Do you offer payment plans?

You are able to pay month by month as we work together. Payments are spread across our agreed time.

Can more than one person attend sessions?

As long as we're talking about YOUR business, I don't mind WHO comes. If you've got a business partner, a team or someone who helps you, and you need them there to learn - they are very welcome!

How do you cater to different learning needs?

Before I was a marketing coach and strategist I was a teacher. I love helping you find the best way to learn. My "ways of working" is different for every single business as I find the way you learn best. Sometimes itr means we do things in a different order. Sometimes it means I need to find a new way to help you. That's my job! (plus I have ADHD so I LOVE working with other Neuro Diverse business owners and have some excellent tools we can use).

Who in the business do you work with?

My primary relationship is always with you as the business owner. You will need to be present for all the big strategic parts of our work together. In smaller businesses you might also be present for the activity parts. In larger businesses and organisations, I can work with your other team members, conduct team training, and bring the whole sales and marketing activity together with your team.

Let's get your marketing sorted

We’ll work together to help you understand the why, the what and the how of your marketing for your own business growth. 


Working with me is like....

Here’s a few words from some of my past strategy clients