Marketing Strategies are Not What You Think: A Marketing Strategy Description

marketing strategy description for small businesses

If there’s one thing I hate about the world of marketing is how ‘jargony’ it can be. Being able to market your business should be something everyone can learn, however I feel that the use of obscure terminology hampers this accessibility. So, I broke it down into a detailed marketing strategy description.

What exactly is a marketing strategy? I think this question is on a lot of people’s minds, but nobody really wants to ask it. But, truth be told, I wish more people would ask! Developing a strategy is the most important step in your marketing journey, but there’s a common misconception that a strategy is “just telling you what to post on social media.”

Spoiler—it’s not.

But, if you’re not convinced, below is a bare-bones marketing strategy description; what you need to know, what you need to do, and how you need to do it.

Removing Blocks

A lot of this marketing strategy description does not actually involve writing a strategy (but bear with me, this is the holistic approach!). This is because the most important part of your marketing strategy is that it’s right for you, and that involves taking some hard looks at your business. 

Before you write anything, you need to identify any blocks that will hinder you from making money once you start your marketing. Look at any existing drains in your business and ones that could appear. Think about your specific business model and rule out any marketing avenues that you know just won’t work for you. 

(This doesn’t include things you’re too scared to try, by the way, just things that really don’t fit!)

Finding YOU

Part two of this marketing strategy description is figuring out exactly what your business is and what it needs to thrive. In terms of your business, this is the time to nail down exactly what you are going to focus on selling, making sure it’s priced right, and making sure it’s positioned right.

But your business isn’t a floating entity; you have to look at you too. Check in with your own business goals and make sure you’ve got your own life goals aligned with your business. If you’re the lowest paid person in your business, and all you are doing is “reinvesting” we’ve got a problem. Your business goals should reflect your life goals, part of a marketing strategy is figuring out how to find harmony between your life and your business.

Take time figuring out your business message, your brand, and the kind of niche you want to fill. You can start exploring types of content here too.

Finally, check that you’ve got the “behind the scenes” lead collectors and convertors established—you’re almost ready to go!

Finding Your Audience

As important as it is to “find you,” defining your audience is a make it or break it part of this marketing strategy description.

Your target audience is who all your marketing will be directed at, and it can’t be broad (or it won’t work!). Think about your ideal customer—what their values are, what are their likes and dislikes, their lifestyle, their needs—and imagine all your content is made for them. You need to cement who you’re going to be talking to. As far as I’m concerned, the words EVERYONE and ANYONE are banned. I saw a past client use one of these a month or so back and I had to hold myself back. LOOK- It’s a sign you don’t have confidence in your offer if you start offering it to anyone!

Ensure your messaging is all cohesive and fits both you, your offer, AND your ideal audience. Think about what form of content fits with your target market, and work out what stories are going to best sell your business offer to your ideal audience.

Setting Your Strategy in Action

Now’s the part we’ve all been waiting for: the marketing! 

I’m going to say something that might ruffle a few feathers, but you should be prioritising email over social media. While social media is a super helpful tool, it’s only really going to get people through the door (with a few exceptions). People on your email list have already said “I want a relationship with you,” by, you know, being on your email list. Those are the relationships you should be working on. Your email list is a great place to build that word of mouth and repeat business marketing (it’s the BEST).

Next, start exploring how traditional media, print and other forms of marketing can work alongside your digital marketing. Depending on your business model, these options may be right for you! Don’t rule them out just because you think they’re outdated.

Finally, because I can feel the anticipation, let’s talk social media marketing. Here’s the place where you can reach those from every stage of the customer journey, with the super great content you developed earlier. Work out a posting schedule for what kind of content you want to target at what ‘audience-within-your-audience’. Getting organised with your social media makes this process very manageable (which we love) and can give you some great results. 

Do you see it now? How your marketing strategy does more than “just telling you what to post?”

I hope so—and I hope this marketing strategy description finds some use. For more tips on writing a marketing strategy, visit this blog.

Infographic: a marketing strategy description
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